Inspiration for living your best life
The ONE Thing
It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that has so captivated my attention and motivated me to action as, The ONE Thing, by Gary Keller (founder of Keller…
Be Still, and Know That I Am
Be still, and know that I am God. God is abundant. God is infinite.
Today I Played
Today I Played Today I played in a field with my Self We laughed, and ran, and held hands
The Power Of Perception
Half empty or half full? The way we answer these questions is based on our perception. Perception is the mental faculty that enables us to assign meaning to something. Nothing…
Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First
We are approaching the holiday season and for all of the fun and food and lights and love the season holds, for many, this can be a stressful time. It’s…
Reflections on 11.11.11
If you Google 11.11.11, thousands of websites come up offering interpretations of its meaning. Rather than ascribing to someone else’s interpretation, I wanted to be conscious today of my own…
4 Steps to Mastering Manifestation
Genivieve Behrend isn’t exactly a household name, but she’s someone you’ll want to get to know. Genevieve Behrend was a master manifestor. She mastered the art and science of manifestation…
Some Like It Hot
Some like it hot… and I’m becoming one of them! For the past three weeks I have been a faithful attendee of the 6AM hot yoga class at the Bikram…
How Is Your Future Memory?
The Queen remarked to Alice…One’s memory works both ways. I’m sure mine only works one way. Alice remarked. I can’t remember things before they happen. It’s a poor sort of…
Burning Ships
This week I read this excerpt from Napoleon Hill’s classic, Think and Grow Rich. “A long while ago, a great warrior faced a situation which made it necessary for him…
The Last Authentic Human Freedom
Viktor Frankl – psychiatrist, holocaust survivor, and author of Man’s Search for Meaning, is the founder of logotherapy, the idea that we shape our experience based on the ideas we…
The Will – Focus vs Force
For the past two months, we have been exploring our six mental faculties. First we looked at imagination, then intuition, and this month we delve into the will. When President…
Our Hearts Are Made For Love
Our hearts are made to love. Love is our soul’s assignment. There are so many opportunities to experience and express love each day with family, dear friends, and even in…
Love Your Body
Here’s some suggestions for ways to love up your body using all your five senses during the love month… Touch Treat yourself to a long, luxurious massage and when you…
Listening To The Still Small Voice
Have you ever called someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, only to have them say, “I was just thinking about you!” Have you ever had a ‘gut feeling…
My Already Existent Oak
This past weekend I had the distinct privilege of sitting at the feet of Jean Houston’s magnificent teaching. She is a remarkable woman, a brilliant mind, and an extraordinary communicator. …
The Power of Imagination
The mind is such an amazing instrument. When we harness the power of the mind, the possibilities of what we can create for ourselves and our world are infinite. However,…
Let’s Get Creative
Wallace Wattles in his classic book on abundance, The Science of Getting Rich, says that, when it comes to creating a life of abundance, ‘You are to get rid of…
A Brother Like That
The following story touched my heart and I believe, captures the true spirit of the holidays. Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve…
Nothing frees our heart more than forgiveness. I have been learning a lot about forgiveness lately, and it has brought me to a whole new understanding and perspective. Many years…
Nothing gets our joy on faster than gratitude. That’s because gratitude shifts our perspective, it shifts our focus, and that shifts our feelings and attitude. When our feelings and attitude…
An Outward Journey For An Inward Purpose
Mary Morrissey has described a pilgrimage is an outward journey for an inward purpose. That truly captures the intention for my self-made spiritual pilgrimage to Thailand. In coming to Thailand,…
Every Moment A New Song Comes Out Of The Fire
I am completing a week-long juice fast here at The Spa Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is part of a three-week detox program I am participating in. Each morning,…
Live The Life You Have Imagined
I boarded a plane in LA bound for Thailand wearing a pendant inscribed with words inspired by Thoreau – Live the life you have imagined. I could not help but…
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